
Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia
The 6th. General Assembly and The 6th. Annual Meeting 2014
“Knowledge Production, Planning, and Networks in East Asia and Their Influence”

  • [date] May 8 (Thursday) and 9 (Friday), 2014
  • [place] The East Wing Building of Guanghua tower, Fudan University, 220 Handan Road, Shanghai
  • [H P]

The Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia will hold its sixth annual meeting at Fudan University, Shanghai.
The modern era in East Asia has been a period of conflict of cultures and circulation of knowledge. The transmission, adoption, and exchange of knowledge centered on over a thousand continuous years of Chinese culture experienced tumultuous change from the impact of Western civilization.
In the nineteenth century China was forcibly opened to the West through the Opium Wars, while Japan’s era of seclusion was ended by the arrival of Commodore Mathew Perry’s Black Ships. These events were the impetus for East Asia’s plunge into the modern era. The acquisition of individual knowledge was ennobled as a national issue under the labels of “rich country, strong army” and “preservation of the race,” resulting in national action. Western missionaries played a large role in that process. East Asian trailblazers confronted Western culture head-on and absorbed knowledge in a variety of ways, including through written works, translations, and images, which they attempted to disseminate throughout their countries. The acquisition of modern, new knowledge transformed the societies, histories, philosophies, and languages of East Asia.
In the twentieth century, some countries in East Asia achieved their fervent wish to “leave Asia” and join the West, while others accomplished remarkable economic development. Revolution and liberation in particular had a transformative impact on China. We need to ask, however, just what comprised modernization in East Asia and how traditional knowledge was reconfigured in the process of modernization.
Today, in the twenty-first century, in the midst of this era of globalization, Asia’s economic development is attracting worldwide attention. There is also an increasing amount of research being conducted on historical cultural contact and interaction in the region.
Research on world history is now reaching heights never seen before. East Asia can offer important perspectives on world history from the angle of observation of foreign cultures, borderless societies, and interdisciplinary research. We must deepen our understanding of East Asian history and cultural interaction and consider their position and meaning vis-à-vis the history of the world. Through new readings of past texts and excavation of new materials we can test interpretations based on ever more innovative ideas. Through these ideas we are certain to be able to provide new directions and topics in research on cultural interaction in East Asia.
This year, as at past annual meetings, there will be a large number of presentations at the plenary and panel sessions on various phenomena in the field of East Asian cultural interaction. We look forward to holding serious discussions at the meeting.
Thank you in advance for your participation during this busy time of year.


Theme this Year:

Production, Planning, Circulation, and Influence of Knowledge in East Asia

Panel Themes:

  1. East Asian Academies (shuyuan/shoin) and Knowledge Transmission
  2. East Asian Publications and Knowledge Systems
  3. Textbook Editing and Publishing in the East Asian Region
  4. Transmission of New Lexica and Cultural Interaction in the East Asian Region
  5. Geographical Documentation and New Geographical Lexica in East Asia
  6. Commentary on Iconographic Documents in East Asia
  7. New Cultural Histories and East Asian Intellectual History
  8. Issues Involving Research in East Asian Intellectual History

Meeting Schedule

Arrival: May 7, 2014 (Wednesday)
Annual Meeting: May 8-9, 2014 (Thursday and Friday)
Departure: May 10, 2014 (Saturday)

**We closed to accept the application**

Application Schedule and Announcement of Selections

The meeting will take the form of keynote addresses, individual panel sessions, individual presentations, and papers by PhD candidates. We encourage society members to refer to the panel session topics to decide to which panel to apply. Each panel will be allotted two hours, and will have one moderator and one to two commentators. Presenters may also serve as moderators or commentators. Please submit the application form and 400-word abstract if you wish to participate or give a presentation. Deadline for application submission is January 15, 2014. Applications for participation and presentation will be evaluated by the organizing committee. We will send out formal invitations at a later date only to those who qualify.


All participants who are not invited guests are responsible for their own roundtrip transportation and lodging expenses. Conference participation is free.

For applications for participation and presentation, contact:

The Organizing Committee for the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia (

doc Application from word file (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)

Application from PDF File (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)

The Organizing Committee for the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia

Head Organizer:
Zhang Qing (Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Professor and Dean, Department of History, Fudan University)
Auxiliary Organizer:
Cheng Pei-kai (Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Vice President and Director of the City University of Hong Kong Chinese Culture Center)
Uchida Keiichi, Vice Chairman of the Organizing Committee (Professor in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kansai University)
Zhou Zhenhuan (Professor, Department of History, Fudan University)
Sun Qing (Lecturer, Department of History, Fudan University)
Yue Min (Department of History, Fudan University)
Shen Guowei, Secretary General (Professor in the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies, Kansai University)